Single, Super Mom In-Person Class

The Single, Super Mom In-Person Class is TBA


Metroplex Women’s Clinic Southwest – Judi Martin Training Center
Take the Turner Warnell exit to
7603 US Highway 287 North Frontage Road
Arlington, TX 76001


Class description:

Single, Super Mom covers a wide range of important topics to help you be the best mom you can be! Dinner provided the final night of class as well as a prize raffle!

Here are some of the things you’ll learn about:

  • Single Parenting
  • Co-Parenting Communication
  • Holidays & Special Occasions
  • Critical Issues With Single Parenting
  • Dating/Marriage
  • Community Resources
  • And More!

For attending, participants will receive a gift basket as well as up to $30 in gift certificates to be used at any Arlington ReSale location. Raffle for 2 gift certificates, $50 each. If you would like to join this class, call 817.563.6999 or click here to email.