For Men

You just found out your partner is pregnant, and you may be reeling from the news. It’s understandable. While an unplanned pregnancy is often considered just a woman’s issue, it impacts men too. Now is the time to get the answers you need.

It’s OK to be overwhelmed. No matter what your relationship is like now, you’re in this together. Once you have all the facts, then you can make an informed decision together.

Questions You Need Answered

As you process the news, you may have a lot of questions. Because she is overwhelmed, you may not want to ask certain questions. Are you wondering the following?

  • What am I supposed to do now?
  • Is she really pregnant?
  • Am I really the father?
  • How can I be of support to her?

Make an appointment at Metroplex Women’s Clinic for your partner to have a free laboratory-quality pregnancy test to confirm the pregnancy. In most cases, if the test is positive, a free ultrasound will be scheduled. An ultrasound will tell you if the pregnancy is continuing and how far along your partner is.

For Fathers and Fathers-to-be

Metroplex Women’s Clinic offers assistance for fathers and fathers-to-be to help them become the best dads they can be and equip them with the tools they need to succeed. In addition, we offer counseling to guide men through the uncertainty of the decision-making process with an unexpected pregnancy. Whatever the situation may be, our trained male volunteers have been through similar situations and are available to listen and encourage you.

Services and help for Dads

  •  One-on-one counseling
  •  Assistance establishing an action plan for next steps
  •  Prenatal, childbirth and parenting classes
  •  Educational material
  •  Material assistance to include diapers and baby essentials
  •  Community resources and referrals

When can I make an appointment?

Monday evenings 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Call 817.299.9599 to schedule an appointment.