It’s Your Choice

Whether your pregnancy was expected or unexpected, we want you to know you have choices! At Metroplex Women’s Clinic, we believe you need as much information as possible to make a confident decision. Let’s sit down and talk about the pros and cons of each option. We can also discuss abortion procedures, side effects, and possible risks too. Your next step is a big one. No one can tell you what to do, but we want you to know you don’t have to make the decision on your own. We’re here for you!




Did you know there are several different abortion methods? The type of abortion you can have is determined by how far along your pregnancy is. Read about some of the procedures and what you need to know before you make an abortion appointment. You have the right to be fully informed about your abortion. Make sure you have all of the information necessary.

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Making an adoption plan for your child may be one option you haven't thought about. The birth mother (and father, if he's available) choose a particular adoption plan, the adoptive family, and even the amount of contact they would like to have. There are many ways to be a parent, adoption is one of them. Choosing adoption can be a beneficial option for those that are not currently ready or not prepared to be a parent. Let's talk about this option.

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There are more community resources available today for women parenting independently than ever before. If parenting your child is something you have considered, but you're concerned about the lack of support, we have good news. We can offer referrals for medical and financial support, as well as provide information about our free pregnancy and parenting education programs. You are not alone if you choose to parent.

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