In addition to our pregnancy services, Metroplex Women’s Clinic offers a number of free classes to help you through a number of important challenges you may be dealing with.
All classes include an in-depth discussion of a wide range of valuable topics and are taught in a welcoming, nonjudgmental atmosphere.In addition to our pregnancy services, Metroplex Women’s Clinic offers a number of free classes to help you through a number of important challenges you may be dealing with. All classes include an in-depth discussion of a wide range of valuable topics and are taught in a welcoming, nonjudgmental atmosphere.
Head over to our interactive calendar to find the event you would like to attend and then sign up right there on your device!
If you experience any issues signing up please call 817.813.8253 or email

Next Steps To Spiritual Health Class
The Next Steps To Spiritual Health In Person Class is March 5, 12 & 26, 2025
6:15 pm – 7:45 pm
Class held at First Baptist Church in Arlington. 301 South Center Street | Arlington, TX 76010
Childcare provided @ 6pm with registration | Dinner may be purchased in the cafe
Class description:
The Next Steps Spiritual Growth In-Person Class covers a wide range of important topics, including:
- Beginners Guide To Studying The Bible
- Identity In Christ: Learn Who You Are & What Your Purpose Is
- Biblical Relationships: Learn More About Forgiveness & Connection
- Fear & Anxiety: Take Control Of Your Thoughts By Renewing Your Mind
- And more!
Incentives will be provided such as a Welcome Gift Bag during week 1, drawings for incentive items & up to $45 in gift certificate to be used at any Arlington ReSale store. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
You Are Treasured Pregnancy Loss Support Virtual Zoom Class
The You Are Treasured Pregnancy Loss Support Virtual Zoom Class is March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, 2025
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Class description:
Here are some of the things you’ll learn about:
- Breaking The Power Of The Secret
Are you suffering in silence? Do you feel alone and stuck? This topic will help you move forward by
beginning the steps to heal the wound in your heart. - The Loss Wound
What feelings are you struggling with? This topic will help you see how you are living in bondage and
give you hope to be free. - Addressing Temporary Bandages
What coping skills have you been using and how have they been working? This topic will help you realize
that true healing is available by a God who loves you. - Guilt, Shame & A New Identity
Do you feel guilt and/or shame? Do you know the difference between guilt and shame? This topic will help
you let this go and help discover who you really are! - Accepting Responsibility: Choosing To Forgive
Do you have any relationships that hurt or any heavy burdens you are carrying? This topic will help you to take
the steps towards forgiveness and/or letting go so that you can truly move forward to living your life in freedom. - Joy In The Mourning
Your tears have been collected and preserved by a God that loves you. This topic will help you lovingly remember
your loss, give you the finality to release the burden of grieving, and the promise of living an abundant life. - And more!
For each class attended, participants will receive a $15 gift certificate to be used at any Arlington ReSale store. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email or contact Julie Elkins at
Pregnancy And Beyond Bilingual Virtual Zoom Class
The Pregnancy & Beyond Virtual Bilingual Zoom Class is April 2, 9 & 16, 2025
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Class description:
Not sure what to expect during pregnancy?
Taught by a Registered Nurse, Pregnancy and Beyond covers a wide range of important topics to help you take care of yourself and your baby, so you can have a healthy pregnancy and give your child a healthy, happy start in life.
Here are some of the things you’ll learn about:
- Prenatal care
- Childbirth
- Postpartum care
- And more!
For each class attended, participants will receive a gift basket as well as a $15 gift certificate to be used at Arlington ReSale and/or Arlington ReSale Too. 12 diapers will be given in place of gift basket IF picked up more than 24 hours after class. Fathers of the baby are welcome to attend also. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
The Child-Like Faith: Christian Parenting Virtual Zoom Class is April 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2025
10:00 am – 11:30 am
Class description:
The Child-Like Faith: Christian Parenting Virtual Zoom Class covers a wide range of important topics, including:
- There Is A Better Way
- A discussion of current struggles you’re experiencing, God’s design for family discipleship, the charge He has given you as parents and the commitments you can make that is realistic for you and your family.
- Building Your Unique Family’s Spiritual Growth Plan
- Learning the who, what, where, when and most of all the way it works!
- Ages & Stages
- 0-4, 5-6, 7-9, 10-12. Important truths to teach your child at each age.
- Practical Methods
- Meal times, bed times, family nights, and meaningful moments.
- And more!
Picture ID required to receive $15 Arlington ReSale gift certificate for each class attended. Gift Certificates may be used at any Arlington ReSale store. Couples welcome to attend together. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Childbirth Preparation Bilingual Virtual Zoom Class
The Childbirth Preparation Bilingual Virtual Zoom Class is April 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2025
10:00 am – 11:30 am
Class description:
Taught by a Certified Midwife, here are some of the things you’ll learn about:
- Preliminary & Active Labor
- Labor Techniques & Childbirth
- Birth Planning
- Postpartum Care
- And more!
For each class attended, participants will receive a gift basket as well as a $15 gift certificate to be used at Arlington ReSale and/or Arlington ReSale Too. 12 diapers will be given in place of gift basket IF picked up more than 24 hours after class. Fathers of the baby are welcome to attend also. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Financial Success 101 Bilingual In-Person Class
The Financial Success 101 Bilingual In-Person Class is April 7 & 8, 2025
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
MWC SW Location in the Judi Martin Training Center. Take the Turner Warnell exit to:
7603 US Highway 287 North Frontage Road | Arlington, TX 76001
Class description:
Taught by a Bank Vice President, Financial Success 101 covers a wide range of important topics to help you better understand your finances.
Here are some of the things you’ll learn about:
- Learning the Language of Budgeting
- Personal Balance Sheet
- Tips On Making A Budget
- Credit Score
- Controlling Debt
- Ways To Make/Save Money
- Fighting the Impulse to Spend
- And more!
For each class attended, participants will receive a a $15 gift certificate to be used at any Arlington ReSale location as well as a gift basket. Drawing for a raffle prize after each class. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Super Mom Class
The Super Mom IN-PERSON Class is April 21, 2025
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
MWC SW Location in the Judi Martin Training Center. Take the Turner Warnell exit to:
7603 US Highway 287 North Frontage Road | Arlington, TX 76001
Class description:
The Super Mom In-Person Course covers a wide range of important topics, including:
- Defining The Role Of A Mom & The Importance Of Her Role
- Super Truth: Lies Defined
- Organization
- Mommy Work
- Balance & Priorities
- Emotional & Spiritual Growth
- And more!
Snacks provided! Children under 1 & expecting moms welcome. Receive a gift basket, & a $15 gift certificate to be used at any Arlington ReSale store for attending. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
SIDS & Safe Baby Sleep Bilingual In-Person Class
The SIDS & Safe Baby Sleep Bilingual IN-PERSON Class is April 28, 2025
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Men & Women Welcome
MWC SW Location in the Judi Martin Training Center. Take the Turner Warnell exit to:
7603 US Highway 287 North Frontage Road | Arlington, TX 76001
Class description:
The SIDS & Safe Baby Sleep Bilingual In-Person Class covers:
- Definition of Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Pre-Test on Shaken Baby
- Long-Term Effects of Shaken Baby Syndrome
- What Causes A Parent/Caregiver To Shake A Baby
- Why Babies Cry
- My Crying Plan
- Post-Test on Shaken Baby
- And more!
Earn a $15 gift certificate to be used at any Arlington ReSale store as well as a gift basket. There will also be drawings for various prizes. If you would like to join this class, call 817.373.5071 or click here to email.
Expecting a baby or have a child 8 or younger? Join STEP (Successful Training for Effective Parenting)! Call any clinic location once a month to request video lessons on pregnancy, parenting, or life skills. Click HERE to see the full list of videos.
Watch a 45-60 minute video, take a short quiz, and earn a $15 gift certificate to Arlington ReSale or Arlington ReSale Too. Videos are sent via email or text and provide valuable guidance for your pregnancy or parenting journey. Call any clinic location or email whatsup@metroplexwomensclinic.
Whatever situation you’re in right now, God sees you, He loves you, and He has a plan for your life! Let’s Talk is a one-on-one mentoring program to help you grow in your faith and receive helpful advice for your future.
Each week you’ll meet with a Mentor at a day and time that works best with your schedule. Mentoring can take place at any of our three locations. All you have to do to sign up is visit any Metroplex Women’s Clinic location and complete a “Request for Mentorship” form.
Beginner’s Bible Study In-Person Class
The Beginner’s Bible Study In-Person Class is TBA
Class is held at First Baptist Church Arlington
301 South Center Street | Arlington, TX 76010
Class description:
The Beginner’s Bible Study In-Person Class covers a wide range of important topics, including:
- Jesus Is The God Of Grace
- Jesus Is The God Of Peace
- Jesus Is The God Of Compassion
- Jesus Is The God Of Humility
- And more!
Incentives will be provided & up to $60 in gift certificates to be used at Arlington ReSale. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Next Steps To Spiritual Health Class
The Next Steps To Spiritual Health In Person Class is TBA
Class held at Fielder Church in Arlington. 2011 South Fielder Road | Arlington, TX 76013
Childcare Provided & Dinner Served Before Each Class With Registration | Dinner @ 6:00 pm | Childcare @ 6:15 pm
Class description:
The Next Steps Spiritual Growth In-Person Class covers a wide range of important topics, including:
- Beginners Guide To Studying The Bible
- Identity In Christ: Learn Who You Are & What Your Purpose Is
- Biblical Relationships: Learn More About Forgiveness & Connection
- Fear & Anxiety: Take Control Of Your Thoughts By Renewing Your Mind
- And more!
Incentives will be provided such as a Welcome Gift Bag during week 1, drawings for incentive items & up to $45 in gift certificate to be used at any Arlington ReSale store. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Toddler Milestones In-Person Class
The Toddler Milestones In-Person Bilingual Class is TBA
Class held at the East Fort Worth Metroplex Women’s Clinic
324 South Rand Street | Fort Worth, TX 76103
Class description:
Covering ages 12-36 months, here are some of the things you’ll learn about:
- Mommy Milestones
- Temperament
- Personality
- Toddler Milestones
- Language & Communication
- Physical/Social/Emotional Development
- Whining
- Tantrums
- Crying
- Sleep – Bedtime & Morning Schedule
- Potty Training
- And more!
For each class attended, participants will receive a gift basket as well as a $15 gift certificate to be used at any Arlington ReSale store location. Fathers of the baby are welcome to attend also. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Home Run Dad In-Person Class
The Home Run Dad In-Person Bilingual Class is TBA
Metroplex Women’s Clinic Southwest – Judi Martin Training Center
Take the Turner Warnell exit to
7603 US Highway 287 North Frontage Road | Arlington, TX 76001
Class description:
Here are some of the things you’ll learn about:
- Being A Father
- Discuss In Depth The 4 Types Of Time Spent With Your Child That Can Knock Your Dad Card Out Of The Ballbark!
- 2 Questions Dads Want To Know…How Can I Be A Home Run Dad? How Can I Get There?
- Being A Role Model
- Learn How To Coach Your Child With The Right Parenting Tools!
- Establish Parenting Styles To Stay In The Game!
- Practical & Loving Discipline
- Equip Yourself With The Right Discipline Tools That Work For The Win!
- And more!
For each class attended, participants will receive a gift basket as well as a $15 gift certificate to be used at any Arlington ReSale store location. Drawing for FREE Oil Change at conclusion of second class (must attend both classes to win). If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Job Readiness 101 Virtual Zoom Class
The Job Readiness 101 Virtual Zoom Class is TBA
Class description:
The Job Readiness 101 Virtual Zoom Class covers a wide range of important topics, including:
Interview Preparation
Resume Portfolio
- Power Of Communication
- Engaging Your Audience In The Interview
- Basic Interview Questions
- Closing The Interview
Receive ONE interview outfit from Arlington ReSale upon completion of class! Drawing for incentive items & earn a $15 gift certificate to be used at any Arlington ReSale store. Picture ID required to receive $15 AR gift certificate, as well as gift basket for attending. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Fit Future In Person Bilingual Class
The Fit Future In Person Bilingual Class is TBA
Class held at MWC Fort Worth
324 South Rand Street | Fort Worth, TX 76103
Class description:
The Fit Future In Person Bilingual Class covers a wide range of important topics, including:
- Motivation & Time Crunch
- Strength Training
- Toning
- Cardio
- Eating Struggles
- Healthy Eating Habits
- Meal Prep
Raffle held at the end of each class for various gift items & earn up to $30 in gift certificates to be used at any Arlington ReSale store. Picture ID required to receive $15 AR gift certificate, as well as gift basket for each class attended. Children 12 months & under ONLY may attend with their mom. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email. Spanish speaking please call 817.409.4918.
Infant Expectations: CPR, Choking & Car Safety In Person & Bilingual Class
The Infant Expectations (0-12 Months) Infant CPR, Choking & Car Safety
In Person Class is TBA
Class description:
Taught by a Registered Nurse, Infant Expectations (0-12 months), Infant CPR, Choking & Car Safety covers a wide range of important topics to help you take care of your baby so you can give your child a healthy, happy start in life.
Here are some of the things you’ll learn about:
- 0-6 Month Milestones
- 6-12 Month Milestones
- Infant CPR, Choking & Car Seat Safety
- And more!
Attend ALL 3 classes for a chance to win a car seat! For each class attended, participants will receive a gift basket as well as a $15 gift certificate to be used at any Arlington ReSale location. Raffle held for various gift items. Spanish peaking clients ONLY may attend via Zoom. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Healthy Relationships In-Person Class
The Healthy Relationship IN-PERSON Class is TBA
Class held at First Baptist Church in Mansfield. 1800 East Broad Street | Mansfield, TX 76063
Childcare Provided & Dinner Served Before Each Class With Registration. Dinner served 5:30-6:00 pm
Class description:
The Healthy Relationship In-Person Class covers a wide range of important topics, including:
- Healthy Relationships
- Healthy Family
- Healthy Sexuality
- And more!
Chance to win a Restaurant Gift Card (week 3) & up to $45 in gift certificates to be used at any Arlington ReSale store. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Breastfeeding And Newborn Care In-Person Class
The Breastfeeding & Newborn Care In-Person Class is TBA
Metroplex Women’s Clinic Southwest – Judi Martin Training Center
Take the Turner Warnell exit to 7603 US Highway 287 North Frontage Road | Arlington, TX 76001
Class description:
Wondering what to expect after your baby is born?
Taught by a Registered Nurse, Breastfeeding & Newborn Care covers a wide range of important topics to help you take care of yourself and your baby.
Here are some of the things you’ll learn about:
- Breastfeeding Intensive
- Latch
- Positions
- Supply
- Storage
- Expressing
- Pumping
- Caring For Your Newborn
- Bathing
- Diapering
- Soothing
- Immunizations
- Car Seat Safety
- And more!
For each class attended, participants will receive a gift basket as well as a $15 gift certificate to be used at Arlington ReSale and/or Arlington ReSale Too. Fathers of the baby are welcome to attend also. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Single, Super Mom In-Person Class
The Single, Super Mom In-Person Class is TBA
Metroplex Women’s Clinic Southwest – Judi Martin Training Center
Take the Turner Warnell exit to
7603 US Highway 287 North Frontage Road
Arlington, TX 76001
Class description:
Single, Super Mom covers a wide range of important topics to help you be the best mom you can be! Dinner provided the final night of class as well as a prize raffle!
Here are some of the things you’ll learn about:
- Single Parenting
- Co-Parenting Communication
- Holidays & Special Occasions
- Critical Issues With Single Parenting
- Dating/Marriage
- Community Resources
- And More!
For attending, participants will receive a gift basket as well as up to $30 in gift certificates to be used at any Arlington ReSale location. Raffle for 2 gift certificates, $50 each. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Relationships And You
The Relationships & You Virtual Zoom Class is TBA
Class description:
Taught by a Licensed Professional Counselor, Relationships & You covers a wide range of important topics:
- Relationship With Self
- Foundational Influences
- Elements of Sound Relationships
- Elements of Unhealthy Relationships
- And more!
For each class attended, participants will receive a gift basket as well as a $15 gift certificate to be used at any Arlington ReSale location. 12 diapers will be given in place of gift basket IF picked up more than 24 hours after class. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Labor And Delivery
The Labor and Delivery Care classes are TBA
Child care is not provided, please make arrangements.
Class description:
Taught by a Certified Professional Midwife, Labor and Delivery covers a wide range of important topics to help you prepare for the birth of your baby.
Here are some of the things you’ll learn about:
- Signs of Labor
- Preliminary Labor
- Active Labor
- Techniques
If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Prenatal And Childbirth Class
The Prenatal and Childbirth class is TBA
Child care is not provided, please make arrangements.
Class description:
Wondering what to expect during labor? Taught by a Certified Professional Midwife, the Prenatal & Childbirth Class covers a wide range of important topics to help you prepare for healthy labor and delivery.
Some of the things you’ll learn about:
- Prenatal Care & Nutrition
- Signs of Labor
- Preliminary Labor
- Active Labor
- Labor Techniques
- Postpartum Care & Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding & Newborn Care
If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Path to Success for Men
The Path to Success for Men Virtual Zoom Class is TBA
Class description:
This 2-week in-person, Path to Success for Men class covers a wide range of important topics:
- Insights & options to help daily life encounters result in positive outcomes
- Insights & options on employment, promotions in your employment & tools to succeed in the workplace
- And more!
For each class attended, participants will receive a $15 gift certificate to use at any Arlington ReSale store (MUST have Picture ID). Be entered for a chance to win an Amacon gift card for attending. Picture ID required to receive $15 Arlington ReSale gift certificate, as well as gift basket for each class attended. Must call clinic to schedule pickup of gift certificate & gift basket. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Microsoft Excel Computer Training In-Person Class
The Microsoft Excel Computer Training In-Person Class is TBA
Metroplex Women’s Clinic Southwest – Judi Martin Training Center
Take the Turner Warnell exit to
7603 US Highway 287 North Frontage Road
Arlington, TX 76001
Class description:
Come IN-PERSON to enjoy light snacks & a drawing for a gift card if attend both classes. Children up to 1 year old may attend. Taught by Goodwill Job Training Technology Classes, Microsft Excel Computer Training will offer hands on exercises to help you learn how to manage data organization, analysis & visualization. Students will create charts & learn Google Sheets. You will learn everything you need to know to become a Google Drive expert:
- Google Docs
- Google Sheets & Slides
- Storage
- Creating Documents & Folders
- Managing Files
- And more!
For each class attended, participants will receive a a $15 gift certificate to be used at any Arlington ReSale location as well as a gift basket. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.
Healing After Miscarriage Or Infant Loss Class
The Healing After Miscarriage or Infant Loss Virtual Zoom Class is TBA
Class description:
The 6-Week Healing After Miscarriage or Infant Loss Class covers a wide range of important topics, including:
- Breaking The Power Of The Secret
- The Loss Wound
- Addressing Temporary Bandages
- Guilt, Shame & A New Identity
- Accepting Responsibility: Choosing To Forgive
- Joy In The Mourning
- And more!
Chance to earn a $20 Amazon Gift Card at the conclusion of the course & up to $90 in gift certificates to be used at Arlington ReSale. If you would like to join this class, call 817.813.8253 or click here to email.